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Circular economy services

As the world’s population increases, so too does our prosperity and, consequently, our demand for raw materials. At the same time, however, these raw materials are growing ever scarcer. Not only does the extraction of raw materials have a huge environmental impact; it also leaves our economic system vulnerable.

Antea Group recognizes the need for our clients to understand local conditions and potential impacts to your business, align strategies with local and global targets, and implement creative solutions for long-term resiliency and competitive advantage.  


Do you have any questions?

Philippe Cleyet-Merle
Philippe Cleyet-Merle Deputy International Director

Our role in the circular economy

In the current linear economy, we use raw materials, which end up as waste. This in turn generates a large amount of CO2 during processing. This simply cannot continue. In a circular economy, we maximize value retention and minimize value destruction. As a knowledge organization, Antea Group is committed to this transition. From circular procurement and construction and circular management and maintenance of public spaces to analyses of raw material flows to make business operations more sustainable, these initiatives make an essential contribution to bringing about a circular economy.

Our team has technical and management consulting expertise to develop climate change and carbon solutions that are fit-for-purpose to ensure your needs are met on every assignment. Our proven strategies and models integrate climate change, energy, and water security perspectives that create synergies, drive business value, and can take your climate change adaptation and carbon management programs to the next level. 

Maximizing value retention while minimizing value destruction

Today, most of what is produced ends up in landfill after it’s used. With finite resources, volatile commodity prices and increasing zero-waste regulations, the pressure is on companies to start thinking differently

Reuse of raw materials is key

Our current linear economy of consuming raw materials then relegating them to the waste pile is simply no longer sustainable. The time has come for investment in a revolution — a revolution from a linear to a circular economy, with the re-use of raw materials at its core. Now more than ever, we need to focus on maximizing value retention and minimizing value losses. For Antea Group, employing sustainable and integral solutions within our living environment is second nature. The principles of the circular economy resonate deeply with us, which is why we are firmly committed to making the transition from a linear to a circular economy.