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Environmental Services

Do you have any questions?

Marion Vichier-Guerre
Marion Vichier-Guerre Head of Environment and Waste unit
Benjamin M. Hansen, P.G.
Benjamin M. Hansen, P.G. Vice President

Managing environmental impacts and restoring natural conditions

Managing environmental impacts and restoring natural conditions

Our planet is facing major environmental challenges such as climate change, scarcity of resources, loss of biodiversity, artificialization of soils, etc. Managing the best available technologies has now become essential to preserve the environment.

The constantly evolving need for risk management requires the ability to demonstrate that risks of all types are identified, known, monitored, and managed.

For various project contexts industrial sites, real estate assets, occupied sites, brownfield, contaminated sites, in the process of remediation, etc. Antea Group guides all stakeholders in their efforts to prevent and deal with all these risks, whether they are accidental, health, or environmental.

Monitoring, diagnosis, and consulting

The effects of an industrial plant, an infrastructure or a facility on the natural environment and neighboring populations must be considered. Whether you are an operator, a project owner, or a client, Antea Group assists you on all regulatory and environmental aspects during all stages of the project or throughout facility life, i.e., planning, construction, commissioning, operation, modification, closure, or deconstruction.

Risk management assistance at global and local scales

The awareness of the risks resulting from the contamination of various environments (soil, water, air, plants) is increasing. Beyond the impact on health, on the environment or on the economy, any pollution, even minor, has potential financial, administrative or legal consequences for a company, and may impact its sustainability.

Antea Group is qualified to meet these new requirements. As a leader in pollution management, we have broad engineering and consultancy skills applicable to soil contamination.

Thanks to our global presence and to our work within the Inogen Environmental Alliance, we can support you at the facility level or at global scale for multi-site projects.


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Related Projects


Integrated multi‐sectoral investment plan for coastal climate change adaptation in Benin and Togo


Environmental Due Diligence of a Oil & Gas portfolio in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania


Construction and detailed design of gas pipeline in Poland

Have any questions?

Contact us to discuss your environment needs.

Marion Vichier-Guerre
Marion Vichier-Guerre Head of Environment and Waste unit
Benjamin M. Hansen, P.G.
Benjamin M. Hansen, P.G. Vice President