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Smart & Sustainable Cities Services

Increasing urbanization around the globe means new social challenges. How do we keep our cities efficient, safe and livable? Smart people and smart technological advancements can contribute to this and make our cities more attractive, more sustainable and a better place to live. This will have a major impact on the way we live and work and how we organize ourselves.

Do you have any questions?

Tom D'Haeyer
Tom D'Haeyer Business Development Manager

Smart cities bring together data technology, mobility, space, safety, infrastructure and nature. The consultants and engineers at Antea Group know what it takes to make cities smarter. We also know how to connect various parties, initiatives and knowledge. Antea Group’s Smart Cities provides integral solutions for a healthy, vibrant city.

The people at Antea Group carefully consider the various social challenges. New technologies and sensors provide a means of gathering data that we can combine in ways that lend our solutions to urban issues a completely different dimension, one that would not have emerged without the data collected.

Our engineers and consultants use their knowledge and ingenuity to develop smart solutions in four areas:

  • Smart Governance
  • Smart Mobility
  • Smart Environment
  • Smart Public Space
New technology, a smarter city
New technology, a smarter city

It all starts with data and collaboration

Smart Cities are built on accessible data and collaboration with both private and public parties. These are the building blocks for smart investment, sound decisions and cost savings. This can be achieved in various ways, such as:

  • Get more out of sustainable energy by using smart approaches in matching supply to demand, and vice versa.
  • Prevent heavy road congestion by managing traffic flows more effectively using data.
  • Make residential areas and industrial parks more secure by using new information technology.

The bottom line is collaborate, make use of reliable data and mobile devices, and research new techniques and technologies. Today’s technologies bring new solutions within the reach of cities, solutions that make a city a pleasant place to live and work, both today and in the future.

Our consultants work on the basis of three pillars: effective, efficient and with the right impact on urban developments, stakeholders and the internal organization. We develop and improve on work processes, facilitate the vision-forming process, and smooth the way for collaboration. Gaining the support of local stakeholders is essential; from a wide range of interests a single vision must emerge, with civic participation playing an important role.

Roads, Vehicles and People

Our approach to mobility is threefold: roads, vehicles and people. These three elements together determine the quality of accessibility, level of traffic safety and the quality of life in the area. Technological advances are impacting all three aspects in this triad. For example: Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) connect the ‘road’ with the ‘vehicle’ in new ways, improving both traffic flow and traffic safety. This in turn directly affects the ‘people’ component, which raises the question: how do people deal with this development and what is the effect?

Smart Data

Data is the nexus linking all three elements. Smart collection and application of public and private data on the road, the vehicle and the people provides insight into how to manage all of this, and opens up opportunities to do so. So, Smart Data and Smart Mobility go hand in hand.

Antea Group concentrates on four concrete themes in the area of Smart Mobility:

  • Smart Mobility in the Regional Spatial Vision: Way2Smart tool
  • Exploration and planning study
  • Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
  • Drones and Smart Data

If you would like to learn more about the added value we can offer your organization or project, one of our Smart Mobility consultants would be happy to help you.

Smart Environment

Smart Environment – it is a phrase that entices and intrigues. But what is it exactly? Sensors, the Internet of Things, and other emerging digital intelligence are all having a big effect on daily life. These developments are irreversible and offer unlimited possibilities that could contribute to creating a pleasant living environment at a time when this is under heavy pressure.

For Antea Group, Smart Environment stands for a safe, secure, sustainable, healthy, and pleasant living environment. Every day, our engineers and consultants work hard and with full commitment towards realizing this. We do this by collecting and connecting legacy and new data, carefully selected and then enriched with our knowledge. The result is new (and sometimes very surprising) insights that make it possible to influence processes – or to pro-actively respond to the findings. We are on the lookout every day to find fresh ways to turn the concept of Smart Environment into real solutions.