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Architecture & urban design

Architecture & urban design

Do you have any questions?

Tom D'Haeyer
Tom D'Haeyer Business Development Manager

A strong concept, realistic designs

For urban development projects we engage our subsidiary CroonenBuro5 (CB5) with full confidence. This design agency for urban planning, landscaping and architecture specializes in urban densification projects. CB5 stands for strong concepts and feasible, realistic designs. Their integrated approach to design, make them an indispensable link in the development of acceptance-assured plans

A strong plan is one you make together

In CB5, you will find a design agency capable of working on projects of various scales, from the architecture of buildings to urban master plans and layout concepts for public spaces. Whatever the starting point, CB5 aims for future-proof solutions, meaning that we design based on the unique qualities of an environment and with the active participation of users and other stakeholders.


Whether you need a new build solution or the transformation of your property, CB5 always aims for a design that creates meaning. Our approach starts with an incisive analysis of the assignment, the intended users, and the environment. We then apply our expertise to arrive at a distinctive design that fits the possibilities, budget and requirements. The architects at CB5 have extensive experience in the design of residential housing, social housing, care facilities, mixed programs and transformations.

A strong concept, realistic designs
A strong concept, realistic designs

Urban planning and landscaping

From sustainable land parceling to the development of an area vision, a park concept, or an energy-neutral neighborhood, our urban planners and landscape architects add value to every process. With our concepts we bring plans and solutions to life, not uncommonly through an open design process, with the active participation of users and other stakeholders. Thanks to this approach, our specialists have already left their mark on many locations in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Our track record

One example of our approach is where, in the Meerwijk district of Haarlem, we worked together with residents, the municipality and other stakeholders to develop a public space that is climate-adaptive and healthy. In Tilburg we are closely involved in transforming the former Smariuskade industrial zone into a large-scale residential area. And in Maastricht we are working on two major inner-city densification projects.

Have any questions?

Contact us to discuss your needs.

Tom D'Haeyer
Tom D'Haeyer Business Development Manager