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Witold Rusin
Witold Rusin Power Segment Director

Energy Services

Energy is the foundation of all economic activities and thus the basis for the economic development of countries. We provide solutions that allow energy to be produced in an environmentally and human-friendly way. Antea Group focuses on activities aimed at improving environmental quality by participating in in-the-field projects on renewable energy as well as the modernization of conventional power generators.

Energy - importance and sources

The importance of energy increased with the first industrial revolution and since then the demand for energy has been growing rapidly year after year. Nowadays, it is impossible for societies to function without a constant supply of energy. The national economies of most countries epend on it . Among others, it is used to power all kinds of equipment used in industry, communications, agriculture and many other sectors.

The importance of specific energy sources has changed throughout the ages. The depletion of fossil fuels has become a problem. Therefore, in addition to conventional sources, renewable energy has become increasingly important.

Comprehensive solutions

Antea Group provides comprehensive solutions tailored to customers' needs in both conventional and renewable energy. We have broad experience in assessing, designing, optimizing and implementing sustainable energy systems. We provide support by looking at the best combination of energy resources and the best available techniques that suit your needs. Robust and affordable proposals provide organizations not only with environmental and social benefits, but also enable costs to be reduced and controled.

Energy Services
Energy Services

Renewable energy

Renewable energy, also called alternative energy, derived from replenishable sources such as the sun, wind, rivers, tides, hot springs and biomass is an opportunity for clean air and energy cost optimization. Antea Group carries out wind, photovoltaic, biomass, geothermal, hydroelectric and tidal energy projects. We specialize in environmental, financial and technical services. We provide sustainable and innovative solutions for wind and photovoltaic farms, hydroelectric, biomass-fired plants and RDF heat and power plants, as well as public authorities.

Conventional energy

Traditional energy sources such as natural gas, oil, coal, or nuclear fuels are finite but still make up the majority of the energy market. Antea Group provides professional services for the most demanding investments in the field of conventional energy. We carry out projects to adapt plants to the requirements of BAT  (desulphurization, denitrification and ash removal installations), construction of modern installations based on solid and gaseous fuels as well as the modernization of ower generators.

Our projects

Have any questions?

Contact us to discuss your energyneeds.

Witold Rusin
Witold Rusin Power Segment Director