You have identified vulnerabilities through the stress tests and/or in some other manner, and now you know that there’s work to be done. But how do you proceed? Conducting risk dialogues is the next step along the way to a water-robust and climate-proof design of the space.
Because we approach vulnerabilities in the area of flooding, drought and/or heat from the view of the abundance of possible solutions, we prefer to talk about climate dialogues, i.e. a means of finding solutions together and seizing (often joint) opportunities. Designing, organizing and supervising climate dialogues is an art in itself. Our stakeholder managers, process managers and consultants in the field of water control and management – all highly skilled in communicating with and connecting people – are masters of that art. They are well grounded, have the necessary content knowledge, and are trained in dialogue and intervention techniques to reach win-win outcomes and prevent conflicts.
From our sector and stakeholder analysis, which includes a force field analysis, you can see which parties are best to invite to ensure an effective dialogue. The form required to ensure that the actual dialogue between the invited guests is productive will vary according to the situation. For example, a community dialogue can take the form of a barbecue for the community that kicks off with a game, a 3D animation or a visually appealing GIS application. Regardless of the form a dialogue takes, the discussion will always center on the effects, ambition, assessment framework, strategy, possible measures and action perspectives of the parties involved in relation to a vulnerability. On the basis of the climate dialogues, the stakeholders determine which risks and losses are or are not acceptable and which cost-effective measures will be taken for which vulnerabilities by whom, when and how (implementation agenda).
At Antea Group, consultants apply themselves to all steps along the way to a climate-proof design of the public space, from stress tests and risk dialogue to putting the implementation agenda into action.