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A rail partner who feels at home in a demanding environment


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Carlos Martínez Bustelo
Carlos Martínez Bustelo International and Business Development Director

A rail partner who feels at home in a demanding environment

A successful renewal or integration of rail infrastructure starts with the design, using design specialists who know all about building in and adjacent to the rail corridor and who can work carefully and identify risks and opportunities. These specialists come up with smart, feasible, workable solutions even in the most challenging environments. You can find such rail infrastructure designers at Antea Group.

The complete overhaul of a station area, track doubling, tunnel works: working on or adjacent to the tracks is strictly for the pros. This is certainly true from a technical viewpoint, but also because everything has to be done safely, efficiently, and in harmony with the stakeholders and surroundings. In Antea Group you’ll find a partner who feels right at home handling this sort of work, a partner who has the know-how needed to bring complex rail projects to a successful conclusion.


Rail infrastructure design from every point of departure

Whether you are working on the preliminary design or detailed engineering, every rail infrastructure design requires customization. This is where our rail infrastructure design team excels. No matter how open or defined your challenge is, our designers can guide you to the right solution while meeting all requirements, with a focus on technology, realization, and the interactions within a project. You can engage us for:

  • Design and renewal of track and corridor elements
  • Design and renewal of rail-carrying infrastructure
  • Design and renewal of station areas
  • Design of project phases
  • Design management
  • Support in stakeholder and permit management
  • Advice and support with regard to 3D design and BIM

A versatile partner

Antea Group is well suited to working on the tracks and rail infrastructure. After all, we have what it takes: in-depth knowledge of rail technology, civil structures, rail yards, and cables and pipelines. Equally important, we know all about smart processes, tight schedules, and careful procedures. And, naturally, we take into account the surrounding environment and the interests of the travelers, rail operators and local community. It is precisely in this demanding and multidisciplinary environment that we come into our own.  

If you are looking for a partner who can create a rail infrastructure design when you need it quickly – a design that meets your client’s requirements – our rail design team is at your service. Not only can we create a design that will be accepted by the asset manager, it will also be a practicable design. We do this using a dynamic process, by working together to find the best solution. In this process, we contribute our ideas about efficient design implementation, cost savings and challenging project schedules in relation to periods of planned track closures. 

A rail partner who feels at home in a demanding environment
A rail partner who feels at home in a demanding environment

A specialist at every phase

From the planning phase to commissioning, our rail specialists are ready to move rail projects forward. We design and calculate, guide and manage, and we have the in-house experts who can organize and manage entire projects or sub-projects. We also work closely with disciplines like geotechnics, environment, data and civil structures. Together we ensure that you deliver solutions in which each component logically falls into place. 

Managing rail projects

We are not just strong in certain aspects: our specialty is managing rail projects from start to finish and everything in between. This means that, from the drawing board to the delivered project, you have only one partner at your side the whole time. No matter how multifaceted your rail project is, our project and contract managers will keep it moving along. They oversee the entire project; they know which steps you need to take, how to compile support for your plans, and how to connect stakeholders and interests, enabling you to keep maximum control of your project.

Innovative and Multidisciplinary projects

The Antea Group designers work by following both local and international standards, and are familiar with the requirements that you as a client place on a rail infrastructure design. Furthermore, our team applies the latest design technologies and methods, like scanning outdoors to create 3D point clouds for example. What is more, our designs and designers have everything required to work using the Building Information Model (BIM) and with verification of requirements through Relatics. 

When you choose Antea Group, you engage rail designers who are used to working on multidisciplinary projects. This is immediately evident in the way they collaborate and communicate, as well as how they work to get a “feeling” for the project. And though our designers are critical thinkers, they are also quick to identify ways to optimize the designs or make them safer.

Railways Projects

Have any questions?

Contact us to discuss your infrastructure needs.

Carlos Martínez Bustelo
Carlos Martínez Bustelo International and Business Development Director