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Electric vehicle recharge points in airports of Spain

Electric vehicle recharge points in airports of Spain

Project management for investments in electric vehicle recharge points in airports

AENA includes its clients and suppliers (passengers, carriers, taxis, etc.) in its plan to combat climate change. Among other things, the Spanish airport operator aims to reduce its carbon footprint by 25% by 2025. In line with this policy, the company has taken the first step towards fitting its public parking facilities with 1,927 new charging points for electric vehicles at 32 airports with the aim of promote low-CO2 mobility in road transport for passengers, employees, and freight carriers to and from the airports it manages.


AENA selected the ICEACSA Consultores, S.L.U. – Gesnaer consortium to manage the installation of 1,927 charging points in 32 airports. The contract includes providing design coordination services, works procurement management, and supervision of works that together constitute a comprehensive service from the feasibility study to commissioning. The ultimate goal of the works is to comply with the budget, deadlines, and quality requirements of the works in compliance with the functional needs and the operating conditions to be determined both during the execution phase and for the future operation of the new infrastructures and facilities.

Phase I: Project Management

  • To propose a function-based and hierarchical structure in which the roles and responsibilities of all the companies, teams, and personnel involved from the initial phase of drafting/supervision of the supply specifications and/or construction plans up to the commissioning of the new facilities are clearly defined and described. To define a responsibility matrix that takes all the participating agents into account.
  • To propose a working method by defining the processes, operating procedures, decision-making structure (committees, working groups, etc.), acceptance criteria, communication strategy, documentation management, change log and any other management and supervision mechanism required of the PMO.
  • To draw up an execution plan that contains all the management lines and can act as a master document.
  • To draw up a Gantt chart based on the established deadlines that sets forth the sequence of linked activities, defines the duration and identifies the precedence, imposed limitations, intermediate milestones and the critical path.
  • To draw up a qualitative and quantitative risk assessment and management plan to identify risks and plan an adequate response to eliminate or mitigate the same and monitor said response in detail.
  • To monitor execution of the works schedule including all actions deriving from the supply specifications and/or construction plans and those deriving from investment management. To integrate any new activities identified as a consequence of the normal progress of the investment in the construction phase, and of any additional developments that may arise during the same, into the general schedule.
  • To coordinate the tasks of the various actors taking part in the project to ensure that all the tasks are executed in the right order at the right time to ensure that the infrastructure is operational before the final deadline.
  • To identify risks and mitigating measures. To plan and execute operating tests to ensure that the airport facilities operate properly with the new electric vehicle recharge points.
  • To take and organise the minutes of general coordination meetings, specific meetings for milestone fulfilment, technical meetings to define technical solutions and follow-up and decision-making meetings (committees), and inform the AENA through periodic monitoring reports and specific reports to support decision-making.

Phase II: The technical assistance service will consist of works management, inspection and supervision, and commissioning.

  • Management of certification of work packages as well as economic and technical monitoring reports during execution of the works.
  • Management of the tasks associated with the new facilities with constant presence of the works managers at the airports.
  • Coordination of occupational health and safety and environmental protection on the work sites.
  • Services inherent in the activity of the Aviation Safety Auditor (TASA).
  • Supervision of construction works in compliance with the currently applicable regulations and the requirements of works management.
  • Management of the end-of-works documentation including as-built plans, technical specifications of the new facilities, etc.
  • Technical support to various airport units for coordination of the construction phases with the partners, concession companies and organisations that provide airport services to ensure proper operation and quality of the airport processes at all times.

Key Figures

  • 1,927 charging points
  • 32 airports
  • 30 M USD Investment budget