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 Multi-Energy Toolbox Flux 50 Belgium

Multi-Energy Toolbox Flux 50: Design for Multiple Energy Hubs

Cities and industrial areas have a major impact on our climate. They are driving the transformation of the global energy system in the 21st century. As the urban population grows to a projected two-thirds of the world’s total by 2030, the energy demand is reaching staggering proportions. Industrial areas are key players in the energy transition. Across the world, cities and industry face an important challenge: how to accelerate the deployment of renewables and energy-efficient solutions, offer the best route to meet international development targets, and make cities safe, resilient and sustainable by 2030. Antea Group developed its ‘multi-energy toolbox’ to provide cities and private companies guidance in addressing this challenge. The toolbox was awarded as winner by the international jury for the Grand Innovation Award 2019 and is now the design tool of several energy hubs in Flanders and the Netherlands. 


Energy challenges depend on factors such as area, population density, level of development, and climate. Yet in each case, the right set of solutions exists to create a sustainable energy system. A solid analysis of urban energy planning is crucial in developing an ambitious strategy. How can we create energy hubs? How can we use storage to prevent blackouts and guarantee security of supply? Where are the opportunities for using renewable energy? And how can we make the system smart and flexible without compromising privacy or increasing cost for everyone in our society? Antea Group is carrying out this analysis for projects in Antwerp, Kortrijk, Hasselt, Leuven, Zaubeek, Heverlee, Haarlem and Valkenburg.


Antea Group has developed an energy modeling tool, the ‘multi-energy toolbox’, that goes beyond the typical energy simulation tools being introduced or already on the market. We believe in a holistic design and the power of tools to help us. By integrating the energy model in the data-driven urban design domain, we offer fully integrated services that address the needs of cities, industrial areas, future real estate developments, etc. when it comes to creating future-proof smart cities and renewable energy communities. We are also involved in the Flemish research project ROLECS to stimulate the roll-out of energy communities in Flanders.