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 Water Framework Directive, Planning study for the East of the Netherlands

Water Framework Directive, Planning study for the East of the Netherlands

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 Willem van Boekel
Willem van Boekel Water & Ecology Advisory Manager

Contributing to SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation.

The Green Rivers Open Wonders (GROW) alliance made up of Arcadis, Antea Group, Bureau Waardenburg, and HKV Lijn in Water has now gathered steam with the execution of projects under the Water Framework Directive for the East of the Netherlands. Representing a total value of around 200 million euros, these projects comprise 120 separate measures to improve ecological water quality. GROW is the largest engineering project in the domain of wet-based nature in the Netherlands. It will run for five years and see 150 people working on various sub-projects.

The Challenge

Within the context of the EU Water Framework Directive, a sizable task has been assigned to improve water quality. This concerns a series of projects intended to improve the ecology of rivers such as the Waal, IJssel, and Nederrijn/Lek by, for example, digging trenches and secondary channels, creating eco-friendly river banks, lowering flood plains, and altering mouths of brooks.

Contributing to SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation.
Contributing to SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation.

Antea Group in Action

In April 2020, GROW was officially commissioned to take care of the planning phase. The set of tasks for GROW is broad and includes designing locations/measures, environmental management, going through planning procedures, applying for permits, drawing up contracts for the work, and inviting bids for these contracts. The contract manager for GROW, Antea Group’s Ronald Braam, emphasizes just how diverse the tasks are, ranging from project organization to contracting. 


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April 2020

Contract awarded to GROW

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First series of measures for flood plains designed.

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First projects go through planning procedures and are put out to contract.

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First projects put out to contract completed. - April 2025: Planning study completed.

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April 2025

Planning study completed.

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July 2027

Work completed, resulting in cleaner and more attractive rivers.

The Results

  • The final reference set has been approved and is managed by the client, Rijkswaterstaat. GROW is able to set priorities with respect to the order in which measures are to be implemented.
  • The strategic procurement plan has been completed, marking a key milestone for the project.
  • A strong internal organization, with extensive knowledge of and experience in ecological policy, that works well together with agencies such as the Dutch Forestry Board (Staatsbosbeheer), which owns and manages multiple flood plains.
  • Contribution to SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation.
 Willem van Boekel
Willem van Boekel Water & Ecology Advisory Manager