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Landscaping and urbanism

Creating sustainable environments

At Antea Group, we care very much for the world we live in. Our teams of urban designers and landscape architects are committed to creating the best possible future environments. Whether it be a regeneration project in the middle of the city, or a flood area amidst the natural environment, they do the right job.

Livable cities

We are facing massive challenges with regards to withstanding future demographic change in a sustainable way. When designing the urban fabric, livability, environmental quality and climate resilience are key for our team of urban designers. A livable city is a well-designed city: everyday necessities are within walking distance, as well as schools, parks, recreational activities, etc. An efficient public transportation system takes inhabitants everywhere else. Above all, social inclusion is the goal. A livable city accommodates people from all socio-economic backgrounds , in an affordable way.

Resilient landscapes

Our green-blue infrastructure plays a vital role in facing climate change. It houses essential, though vulnerable ecosystem services that are vital for our prosperity and wellbeing. Our design team boasts decades of experience regarding the realization of projects that regenerate and/or strengthen these landscapes. In the design process, we always search for added value in co-use from a recreational point of view, in boosting the ecological values of a system, etc. All the while incorporating economic feasibility in order to design plans that can be implemented.

Participatory design

We design for and with the end user. Inhabitants are the true experts of their environment. Design cannot be undertaken without this local knowledge. Our project managers are very experienced in participatory design, stakeholder management and creating the necessary political and social support for new developments. This is essential for the end result to be realistic and meet the needs of its end users.

Integrated design

We bridge the gap between technical engineering and design aspects. Our integrated team is capable of transforming design concepts into technical and process-oriented approaches of urban and landscaping developments. For instance, think about the design of a public transportation node or the planning aspects of a sustainable energy concept. By linking design and engineering, we make sure that plans can be executed without compromising the original concept.

Maximum added value

Every project is an opportunity to create spatial and social added-value and to strengthen the identity, quality and functionality of the broader project area. A creative and integrated approach is crucial in order to detect win-win situations. Together, we look for the best possible combination of sustainability, economic feasibility, water management, attractive landscaping, etc. Innovative and surprising, and at the same time realistic and technically feasible.

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