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PFAS Global Support Services

PFAS Global Support Services

Do you have any questions?

Benjamin M. Hansen, P.G.
Benjamin M. Hansen, P.G. Vice President

Managing and remediating PFAS

There are thousands of known PFAS compounds (acronym for per- and polyfluoroalkylated substances), and these man-made substances are present in countless consumer products which are being detected throughout the environment, all over the world.

PFAS are used to make household and commercial heat and chemical resistant products that repel oil, stains, grease, and water. They are used in, amongst others, non-stick cookware, stain-resistant carpets and fabrics, water-repellent clothing, paper and cardboard food packaging, and fire-fighting foams. Industries that may use PFAS include airports, aerospace, automotive, building and construction, electronics, energy, food packaging, and medical among others.

Managing and remediating PFAS is very challenging because PFAS are very persistent and difficult to remove from the environment. They rapidly spread and travel large distances contaminating water, air, wildlife, and soil and are a potential risk to human health if they are consumed or inhaled. Many PFAS have been found in the blood of people and wildlife. Some PFAS are already linked to human health concerns, including child development and growth problems, cancer, immune system disorders, fertility issues, and obesity.

PFAS Regulation around the world

The regulation of PFAS varies around the world, with some countries banning certain types of PFAS altogether, while others have established limits on their use or set maximum acceptable concentrations in drinking water. In the United States, for example, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set a non-enforceable lifetime health advisory level for PFAS in drinking water, while in the European Union, the use of some PFAS has been restricted or banned altogether. Similarly, in Canada, Health Canada has established guidelines for PFAS in drinking water, while in Australia, the government has established a voluntary phase-out program for some PFAS and restricted their use in firefighting foam.
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OUR PFAS expertise

As global PFAS regulations continue to change and become more stringent, the challenges posed by PFAS are particularly complex for each business to manage. Antea Group has extensive experience in managing PFAS business risks, handling PFAS contaminants, and creating customized solutions and strategies for our multi-national clients.

For over a decade, we have been supporting clients and working with regulators by understanding the sources and behavior of PFAS and their precursors in the environment. We have been providing sound science on matters surrounding PFAS risk contamination, PFAS management, PFAS fate and transport properties, remedial options, and expert testimony for our clients’ most challenging projects, all while maintaining strict confidentiality.

Whether for water, soil, air, or human health, PFAS compounds are a growing concern around the world and must be addressed with expertise and without any delay.

Managing and remediating PFAS
Managing and remediating PFAS

Assessing PFAS Risk

To assist private business and public authorities with PFAS pollution risk assessment, Antea Group has developed tools to assess and identify the risk of PFAS impacts from within your own operations and products to external environment around your facilities.

Our measurement and sampling teams are specifically trained in PFAS issues in order to limit cross-contamination of samples (high risk due to the omnipresence of PFAS).

PFAS Pollution Management

When known PFAS pollution is discovered, we offer customized support for each situation:

  • Environmental due diligence: proposal of a management process according to the local regulatory requirements, both existing and pending (country dependent).
  • Air and Water: treatability tests and project management for the implementation of treatment systems.
  • Polluted Sites and Soils: risk study, advice on redevelopment or reconversion integrating a need for decontamination, feasibility study and design of innovative techniques of resorption, waste disposal evaluation and project management of site decontamination.

PFAS Screening tool

With new and pending regulations related to PFAS in facility discharges, product composition and site management it’s more important than ever to understand your PFAS risks.

Our PFAS Screening Tool can help local authorities and businesses identify what products contain PFAS. Most businesses do not know what products in their supply chain are PFAS containing because of manufacturing trade secrets.

  • Our proprietary PFAS Screening Tool can be applied to any industry in support of:
  • Due Diligence
  • Compliance Reporting and Audits
  • Site Investigation/Remediation
  • Regulatory-Directed Historical Use Evaluations
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Replacement Chemistry Alternatives
  • And More

Contact US

Benjamin M. Hansen, P.G.
Benjamin M. Hansen, P.G. Vice President