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Asset Management

Asset Management

Do you have any questions?

Carlos Martínez Bustelo
Carlos Martínez Bustelo International and Business Development Director

A good plan for today, a responsible strategy for tomorrow.

The infrastructure you manage is of tremendous value. You want to invest responsibly and wisely in this, in a manner suited to your organizational objectives, budgets and the developments you foresee. That is why we offer you the best specialists and services, so that you can stay in control of your infrastructure, on a strategic level, and in terms of developing solid asset maintenance plans.  

Management and maintenance: zooming in and out

You want to get the most out of the roads and the civil structure you manage. This asset portfolio also plays a part in your objectives, i.e. ensuring safety, accessibility, sustainability and circularity. No matter how big or small your asset portfolio is, it is always worthwhile to be able to zoom in and zoom out on management and maintenance issues, especially now, at a time when countless bridges, viaducts and water infrastructure assets are reaching the end of their technical and serviceable life.  

Asset Management: a versatile partner

How do you prioritize maintenance or replacement, which risks do you consider acceptable, and what do you expect in terms of performance? We help asset managers make the right decisions, on a strategic level, but also in terms of formulating concrete plans. At Antea Group you will find a specialist for every aspect and phase, like strategic consultants who, together with you, shape your strategy for tomorrow, risk analysts who identify the risks relating to your asset portfolio, and even inspector-consultants, our specialists who establish the current maintenance state of your assets and use this information to help you make concrete plans for today. And all of this is done without ever losing sight of your entire asset management process.

Asset Management: handling every detail

We are not just strong in certain aspects: our specialty is handling every detail of your asset management and maintenance challenges. No matter how “open” your project is, our asset managers move projects, processes and organizations forward. They oversee the entire project, determine the strategy together with you, and align operational plans and activities with this strategy. They know which steps to take, how to build support for your asset plans, and how to connect stakeholders and interests, internal and external.

A good plan for today, a responsible strategy for tomorrow.
A good plan for today, a responsible strategy for tomorrow.

From strategy to reality

Having a strategy is one thing, putting it into practice is another. We take strategic frameworks and turn them into concrete, long-term maintenance plans, often in combination with carrying out an inspection. However, we also use sensoring and data science to predict the lifespan of civil structures.   

Choose integrated advice

With Antea Group you are not only bringing in an expert in the field of asset management. Together with our organizational consultants, we determine the impact on your organization and advise you on how to organize and arrange asset management within your organization. The result is better solutions and a more efficient process.

Taking developments into account

When it comes to the management and maintenance of infrastructure, you naturally want to take current developments into account. Maintenance and replacement often go hand in hand with the challenge of becoming more sustainable and saving energy. We will ensure that these ambitions are also addressed in the management and maintenance of your assets and provide you with advice on measures that can turn these ambitions into practical solutions. We also look at the future of transport and mobility, asking how this will develop and what this will mean for your asset portfolio. Our in-house experts can give you an outline of this perspective, and we can fill in the details in the asset management plan.

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Contact us to discuss your needs.

Carlos Martínez Bustelo
Carlos Martínez Bustelo International and Business Development Director