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Your partner in the collective journey to combat climate change and protect our environment

Natural Hazard Risk Management

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Tom D'Haeyer
Tom D'Haeyer Business Development Manager
Philippe Cleyet-Merle
Philippe Cleyet-Merle Deputy International Director

Your partner in the collective journey to combat climate change and protect our environment

Frequent natural hazards, from tsunamis to floods and landslides, threaten the lives and livelihoods of millions of people around the world.

Antea Group teams offer international expertise to understand hydro-meteorological hazards (cyclone, flood, storm surge, drought), to map vulnerability and risks, and to recommend appropriate adaptation strategies to mitigate risks and build resilience.

Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment

Multi-hazard risk assessments provide valuable information on the probable location and severity of natural disasters. They also help predict the likelihood that such events occur within a specific time period in a given area. A timely assessment of such dangerous natural hazards can save human lives and serve as a first step in further reducing losses.

Antea Group experts carry out multi-hazard risk assessments using reliable sources of scientific information, climate and hydrological data, topographic maps, aerial photographs, and consult historical information and survey the residents of vulnerable areas. Our team characterizes potential disasters, recommends appropriate adaptation measures and raises the awareness of stakeholders in developing countries.

Vulnerability Assessment

Vulnerability assessment estimates the degree of exposure, sensitivity, and loss or damage that result from climate-induced hazards.

Antea Group uses reliable tools and methodology to carry out vulnerability mapping and analysis for various sectors such as water, fisheries, agriculture, energy, and coastal protection. Our experts work on vulnerability assessment in geographical areas that are particularly prone to natural disasters, then propose adaptation strategies to strengthen the resilience of human and natural systems in such areas and to reduce their exposure.

Your partner in the collective journey to combat climate change and protect our environment
Your partner in the collective journey to combat climate change and protect our environment

Flood Risk Modeling

Climate change leads to extreme meteorological hazards and sea-level rise, which nowadays occur at unprecedented speed. Hydrological and hydrodynamic modeling helps evaluate and predict the impact of extreme weather events on coasts and estuaries, making it possible to develop protective measures.

Antea Group has developed hydrologic and hydrodynamic models of the entire surface water cycle in order to accurately assess coastal and riverine flood hazards and impacts. We specialize in the probabilistic dynamic 1D, 2D, 3D and combined models for hydro-meteorological hazard forecasting (floods, cyclones, storm surges, urban flood, drought).

People-Centered Early Warning Systems

Over the past decades, there has been a considerable decrease in loss of life associated with natural hazards. This success is largely due to effective Early Warning Systems (EWS), which are key elements in building emergency preparedness and in minimizing damage and casualties.

Antea Group’s Water team plays an active upfront role in creating and developing EWSs, using its expertise to monitor and forecast weather-related hazards, implement effective communication, and elaborate emergency preparedness plans at national and local levels.

Drought and Water Scarcity Management

Large areas worldwide are already severely affected by droughts and pressures on water resources. The latest climate change scenarios suggest that the world is likely to suffer more frequent meteorological droughts in the coming years.

Antea Group helps public authorities develop water availability and allocation models and strategies (for water distribution and allocation) as well as provide key inputs for water and drought management plans.

Check out some our multi-hazard risk management projects

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Complementary Services


Climate Change


Waterfront and port development


Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM)

Have any questions?

Contact us to discuss your needs.

Tom D'Haeyer
Tom D'Haeyer Business Development Manager
Philippe Cleyet-Merle
Philippe Cleyet-Merle Deputy International Director