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Energy transition

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René Sloof
René Sloof SAVE Project Manager
Witold Rusin
Witold Rusin Power Segment Director

There is no one single solution

The energy transition. We have to do something about it, we want to do something about it. And whether you are a policy maker, manager or developer, you want to get moving. After all, the time is right. Ambitions are quickly defined, but how do you turn these into plans and programs that will bring about concrete results, and how do you take smart steps for later?

When it comes to the energy transition, there are many ways to go: biogas, geothermal energy, wind energy, solar energy. Every way has its opportunities, limitations and obstacles, like spatial integration, for example, or infrastructure, social impact, technology, costs and so forth. There is no one single solution, and often the local situation will determine what’s best. 

Energy transition: take the next step

With Antea Group you can discover what is really involved in the energy transition. What does the energy transition mean in concrete terms for your organization? Where are the opportunities and how are you going to use them? You will find the answers together with our experts. From abstract to increasingly concrete, we are shaping the energy transition:

  • Exploring possibilities and initiating discussion
  • Providing insight into opportunities and limitations
  • Making plans and programs concrete and feasible
  • Providing advice on smart investing and smart phasing
  • Connecting governments, network operators, energy suppliers and citizen initiatives

To realize the energy transition, you need to explore the possibilities, separate the wheat from the chaff, and then take smart steps towards plans that will help you make good progress. 

There is no one single solution
There is no one single solution

Heating Transition Vision and Implementation Plan

Has your municipality already drawn up its Heating Transition Vision? Does it already have an idea of how to implement in the various districts? Do you have an overview of all the choices and the decision-making process that your municipality and the stakeholders are facing?. How do you, as a municipality, ensure stakeholder support for your Heating Transition Vision and district implementation plans?

This is a question that often comes up when we talk to clients who are in the process of drawing up a Heating Transition Vision. After all, a vision must ultimately result in a realistic, feasible, affordable project that leads to a tangible result: affordable heating for everyone. Antea Group understands that this is a complex task and we support municipalities in the process of drawing up a Heating Transition Vision and district implementation plans that have stakeholder support.

Tangible Results

Antea Group would be happy to help your municipality draw up a Heating Transition Vision. We have developed a method that uses a smart combination of participation, technical knowledge, financing and digital analysis tools to ensure that the ultimate plan is realistic and supported. We provide support (business case, legal and governance) throughout the process, from the communication and stakeholder involvement plan to the heating transition vision and the district implementation plans. With 1,700 experts in the Netherlands, Antea Group is best placed to support your municipality in fulfilling its task and making the energy transition a reality. Our consultants are experienced in energy transition matters in the areas of policy, communication, stakeholder involvement, technology, law, and finance.

Some of our projects

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Contact us to discuss your environment needs.

René Sloof
René Sloof SAVE Project Manager
Witold Rusin
Witold Rusin Power Segment Director